5 Signs You Need Heat Pump Repairs in Easton, MD

Do you operate a heat pump to cool and warm your Easton, MD, home? Heat pumps are durable HVAC solutions. However, like any mechanical system, yours can develop problems over time and require some level of repairs or maintenance. Keep an eye out for these five signs that your heat pump needs repairs to keep your home comfortable:

Insufficient Cooling

If your heat pump is cycling faster than it should to maintain the desired temperature at your home, it means something is wrong. This could be because of leaks in refrigerant, problems with the compressor or a faulty thermostat.

Unusual Noises Require Heat Pump Repairs

It’s common knowledge that heat pumps work with relatively low noise levels. Rustling, knocking or squeaking can be signs of mechanical issues, including worn bearings, defective motors or worn cams. In this case, these noises provide information that the heat pump is damaged and requires the attention of HVAC specialists.

Short-Cycling Heat Pump

Short cycling occurs when a heat pump starts and stops cycling to heat or cool a room but doesn’t go through a full cycle before turning off. This issue can stem from thermostat failure, refrigerant leakage or electrical issues.

Increased Energy Bills

A sharp rise in your electricity costs without changes in consumption could imply your heat pump is faulty. Issues like dirty filters, blocked ducts or worn parts can put additional pressure on the system and makes it utilize more energy.

Ice Buildup in the Heat Pump

Ice buildup is usually due to a natural occurrence of a thin layer of frost developing when temperatures are low, but a thick layer of ice forming on the outside unit is a sign that something is wrong. This may suggest an inefficiency with the defrost cycle or issues with refrigerant or airflow limitations. If not reversed, ice results in serious harm to the system.

If you want to schedule professional and quality heat pump repairs, call Compass Energy. We’ll help you maintain comfortable climate in your home throughout the year.

Image provided by iStock

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